গ্রাউন্ড-ভঙ্গকারী উপন্যাসিক, ছোট গল্প লেখক ও নাট্যকার সৈয়দ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ, চট্টগ্রামের ষোলশহরে ১৯২২ সালে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।
আজ তার ৯১ তম জন্মবার্ষিকীর সংখ্যা।
১৯৪৩সালে ময়মনসিংহে আনন্দমোহন কলেজ থেকে স্নাতকোত্তর ডিগ্রি লাভের পর তিনি অর্থনীতিতে স্নাতকোত্তর ডিগ্রি অর্জনের জন্য কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (বর্তমানে কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) পদে নিযুক্ত হন, কিন্তু তার পড়াশোনা শেষ করতে ব্যর্থ হন।
ওয়ালিউল্লাহর পিতা সৈয়দ আহমদুল্লাহ, একজন সরকারি কর্মকর্তা ছিলেন। বিভিন্ন জায়গায় তাঁর বাবার পোস্টিং তরুণ-তরুণীদের জন্য পূর্ববাংলার বিভিন্ন অংশে (এখন বাংলাদেশ) মানুষের জীবন দেখার সুযোগ পায়। এই অভিজ্ঞতাগুলি তাঁকে তাঁর উপন্যাস এবং নাটকগুলির অনেকগুলি অক্ষর তৈরি করতে সাহায্য করেছিল।
ওয়ালিউল্লাহর সাহিত্যিক কার্যক্রম শুরু হয় যখন তিনি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্র ছিলেন। তিনি "ভোরের আলো" নামক একটি হাতপত্র পত্রিকা সম্পাদনা করেন। তাঁর প্রথম ছোট গল্প "হাতত আলোর ঝালানী" ঢাকা কলেজ ম্যাগাজিনে প্রকাশিত হয়। তিনি ইংরেজী ও বাংলা উভয় ভাষায় দক্ষ ছিলেন। তিনি সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে একটি ইংরেজি জার্নাল, 'সমসাময়িক' শিরোনাম প্রকাশ করেছেন। ১৯৪৫-৪৭ সময় তিনি কলকাতা স্টেটসম্যানের উপ-সম্পাদক হিসেবে কাজ করেন। তিনি সওগাত, মোহাম্মাদি, বুলবুল, পারিচি, আরানি এবং পূর্বাশের জন্যও লিখতেন।
১৯৪৭ সালে ভারত বিভাগের পর, ওয়ালীউল্লাহ ঢাকায় চলে যান এবং রেডিও পাকিস্তানে যোগদান করেন, প্রথমে সহকারী সংবাদ সম্পাদক হিসেবে এবং পরে করাচি (১৯৫০-৫১) পত্রিকার সম্পাদক হিসেবে। ১৯৫১ থেকে ১৯৬০ সাল পর্যন্ত তিনি নিউ দিল্লি, সিডনি, জাকার্তা এবং লন্ডনে পাকিস্তানের দূতাবাসে একটি প্রেস অ্যাচি হিসেবে কাজ করেন। 1960 থেকে ১৯৬৭ সাল পর্যন্ত তিনি প্যারিসে পাকিস্তান দূতাবাসে প্রথম সচিব হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালন করেন এবং ১৯৬৭থেকে ১৯৭১ সাল পর্যন্ত তিনি প্যারিসে ইউনেস্কোতে একটি প্রোগ্রাম বিশেষজ্ঞ হিসেবে কাজ করেন।
১৯৭১ সালে, সৈয়দ ওয়ালিউল্লাহ বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের জন্য কাজ করেছিলেন এবং বিশ্বব্যাপী জনমত গড়ে তুলতে পিয়ের ইমানুয়েল এবং আন্দ্রে মালরাক্স সহ বহু সংখ্যক ফরাসি বুদ্ধিজীবীদের সমর্থন লাভের জন্য তার বন্ধু বিচারপতি আবু সাঈদ চৌধুরীর সঙ্গে যোগ দিয়েছিলেন।
তাঁর প্রকাশিত প্রথম কাহিনির সংক্ষিপ্ত কাহিনী ছিল "নয়াঞ্চার"। তাঁর ছোটখাট সংখ্যার সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ, "অ্যান্টিভাইরাস টিয়ার ওয়াননিও গোলপো" ১৯৬৫ সালে প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল। তিনি ৩২ টি কাহিনী রচনা করেন যা কোনও বইয়ে অন্তর্ভুক্ত ছিল না। উপন্যাসের পাশাপাশি তিনি নাটকগুলিতেও যথেষ্ট দক্ষ ছিলেন। তাঁর উল্লেখযোগ্য নাটকগুলি হল "বাহিঙ্গার" (1960), "সুরঙ্গা" (1964) এবং "তরণভঙ্গ" (1965)।
ওয়ালীউল্লাহ তার উপন্যাস "লালসালু" এর জন্য বেশিরভাগই পরিচিত। উপন্যাসটি গ্রামীণ পূর্ববাংলার জীবনকে চিত্রিত করে, সাধারণ মানুষদের ধর্মীয় বিশ্বাসের বিকাশে চলাচলের কৌশলগুলি প্রকাশ করে। এটি মানব মনোবিজ্ঞানের তার গভীর বোঝার প্রকাশ করে। 1960, 1961 এবং 1967 সালে "লাল শালু", "ল 'আরব্রে সানস র্যাকিনস" এবং "বৃক্ষ ব্যতীত রুট" (কালিমুল্লাহ, অ্যানি-মারি থিবউড এবং কায়সার সায়েদ অনুবাদ করেছেন) "ললসহালু" এর উর্দু, ফরাসি এবং ইংরেজি অনুবাদ প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। যথাক্রমে।
ওয়ালীউল্লাহ 1961 এবং 1965 সালে যথাক্রমে বাংলা একাডেমী এবং আদমজী পুরষ্কার পেয়েছিলেন।
Saturday, 10 February 2018
সৈয়দ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ বাংলা সাহিত্যের একটি নতুন আকৃতি প্রদান
Friday, 9 February 2018
Capitalism and Superstition in Tree Without Roots
Capitalism and superstition capitalize, reflection of the illiterate people (religious traders) that originate from the mainstream of the society, at the time of time, "Lalsalu" In the novel "Lal Salu", the author unveils unlimited sadness, impatience, hypocrisy and falsehood and enhances the new style of life and artism. After creating the story of establishing the life of Bhaganbeshi Majid, and creating stories of struggle and struggle, Syed Waliullah painted a realistic and artistic picture of rural society of East Bengal.
In this novel, he has painted a rural society where people of agro-based, labor-intensive religious society of East Bengal are confused by a hypocritical businessman. Majid is able to plant seeds of religion very easily for establishing its existence in an agrarian state of rural society. Because there is more hat than the grain, weeds are more than religion.
Majid Majid, who struggled with deep life, chose the path of religion business from the basic need of livelihood. We see Mahbubat Nagar village majid enters dramatically. When Taher and Kadar were fishing, they saw Majid standing in front of the idol on the road of Motijanj. Then entered the village and identified a broken grave as the grave of the mosque in front of the mosque, and there came the dream of the people, spreading this false scandal, and taking advantage of the simplicity of the village.
Majid, which makes it possible to spread the lies in a cautious way, in a society which is surrounded by various superstitions.
Failure to make Akkas Miyar's school lively in modern times, failing to make a skillful mosque, the father-in-law of the power to publicize the market in a few minutes and rebuked Dudu Mia by saying "Kalma Jano Mia" strengthened her image through such activities.
In the factory, there was a factory of Majid on the basis of the shrine of the unknown Modasa, which was covered in puri and lalsalu. The simplicity and illiteracy of ordinary people in the factory was like glass mamala. Because of the greater religious sentiments of the rural masses of East Bengal, they have made themselves self-reliant by indulging in temptation. Majid, who came from Garo Hills, transformed itself with time and environment in a new twist to meet his economic and self-reliant selfishness. In spite of not being self-centered towards religion, the issues of villagers have been reflected in the way of Majid by their religion and their exploitation and exploitation.
Majid came to Mahbbat Nagar village from Garo Hills to establish influence in the shadows of religion to straighten the economic backbone to establish his existence. His purpose was successful, money, prestige, power and woman's body were all but one day in the evolution of the time, he was walking on the side of the debris of the crop. That may be the time's selfishness? Majid does not know where he is on the walk? Left behind, Jamilla, Rahima, Khalek Bepari and innocent people of the village. In the end, we can see that natural disasters were not only the result of the crop, but also the psychological changes of Majeed and added new dimensions
Due to deception, business is one of the most endangered businesses in religion business. Whether or not, only the silent mazarata covered in red saluja is not Dhaka, with us our Dhaka intelligence is our intelligence. Some people did not have to take coconut water and bring white / red ribbons. Some people refused to pay attention to candles, money and red clothes. Now think, who is actually the misery? Red salmon?
No, I would say our outlook, our beliefs, our awareness.
Even today, our country has not been released from this business, but this disease has more of us. And in that direction Syed Waliullah's "Lal Salu" is an extraordinary writing.
Tree Without Roots(Lalslalu) cultural disaster
Tree Without Roots
Syed Waliullah
Mujahid Islam
B.A (Hons)(M.A) in English
Lalsalu (1948) is such a different story, from which the Bengali literature is divided into two parts, the literature of West Bengal and the different forms of literature of East Bengal are added, Syed Waliullah (1922-71) spoke about the people of the two countries, keeping them alive by showing them with their eyes That is, the marginalization of East Bengal, which means the life of the people of rural India Enhanced through the raised, arranged alokachata story that made the explosion, his success there, we can say, overnight, he took up a reputation as a literary banlasahityera bhinnadharara. No one could have liked it beforehand to shake the heart of the greater reader. In order to awaken the people, Syed Waliullah used a broken grave like a dead fish, so that he also discovered a name of the shrine, and he also made a tale of his own imagination, all that his reader could understand for a lot, to improve his fate. Majid, however, is a very tricky person, he first started a young woman named Rahima, a middle-aged woman By the time, and afterwards, a girl named Jamila remarries to rescue a childless child, she has done everything to raise her influence, standing herself on a solid foundation.
The survival and uninterrupted struggle of the rural life and the under-inferior class of modern literature, and the existence of a new life can be seen in the struggle, the painting is sometimes tragic and sometimes rigorous, and the struggle for the illusion of Bengali literature is the story of Sarat Chandra and the city Living life through loneliness and complexity of life is the lively language The second brought up the perfect pen scratch. Bibhuti-Manik-Tarashankar-Narindranath-Jyotirindra's story of fame and rural life and the story of their struggling life has come up in various points of different degrees. We should not forget that in the village-based and agricultural-based Bengal, Hindus and Muslims have been living together for a long period of time, together with intensely compassionate relationships with each other, and this is the reality, in this reality, the relationship between the two communities has been composed in various stories. Comrade Abdul Wadud's 'Nadevakte' (1919) on the life of the rural people The reflection of the rebellious middle class's prophetic protest against society has been clearly shown, in such soft and refined words like Rabindranath and Sarat Chandra, stories and novels have been written in villages and biographies; some of them include 'Titas a river named' of Adwaitla Barman, Abdul Jabbar's' '(1368 bung),' Mother of Shawkat Osman ',' Charakesham '(1949) by Amar Gosh and' Pad ' Humayun Kabir's 'Rivers and Women' (1952), Shamsuddin Abul Kalam's 'Kashbun's daughter' (1956), Humayun Kabir's 'River and Women' (1956), 'Madge Basu' (1957), Humayun Kabir's 'River and Women' (1956), 'Madghi Badeini' (1949), 'Pandamuti' (1955) and 'Adiganta' Abu Dhabi (1986), Shahidulla Kaiser's' Sarangbou '(1962) and' Samashtak ', Alauddin Al-Azad's Karnafuli' (1962) Abu Jafar Shamsuddin 'Padma-Meghna-Jamuna' (1974) Abu Ishaq's' Surajdighal House ' 'And' Polyamide of Padma '(1986) Selina Hossain's' Pests of the insects' (1986) etc. Notable
One day daily life of the rural people, Kazi Afsar Uddin Ahmad, his 'Chor Bhanga Char' (1951) life-based novel of East Bengal, but Syed Waliullah's 'LalSalu' gave rise to another level, the way life and struggle of East Bengal came as it came, The story of one Majid, who had taken vow to rule the whole region, is more than that of all the readers, Syed Waliullah has shown his karma to find people inside and out of the people, but his appearance is different, but where a match can be seen, because he is the story of the people of Bengal, hunger-starving people day by day natural disaster-river erosion and crop land crisis There is no other way to get back to the gate, the poverty is their bone-maj There is no action of human being, no education, there is no dream of the future, only pressure-pressing darkness around. He was a strange man of the darkness Majid, he got a new stranger in the country, before him a good future, new day's joy, he went ahead by capitalizing on religion, the backward society gave him that opportunity, in a very barren deserted region, he got an old grave, Some people shocked by the ignorance of some people, the wretched people are lured into their words, thus the story begins, Syed Oj Aliullah was able to convince the entire Bengali speaking people that without education, modern science, education is not possible in any way, it is not possible to drag the nation in a way, superstition-bigotry has been devoid of illiteracy and education, the only way to get rid of society or state is to raise consciousness and correct education. It is possible to advance the nation by education, making the country a chain nation .
Majeed does not even think that he is deceitful, he is not right, deceitful, but still he is going to make this life a mere pleasure, to make his life a little fun, he marries in one place, little wife does not believe in him, his Apart from the rule, he was another woman, but Majid could rule as much as he could, with a strong hold of his strength, he feared greater power, he was also wretched, he too He had a hard life, he did not want to go back to life, he was a little shelter and he had adopted the technique that Mazid used for a little food, yet he has kept the livelier continuously on the way, perhaps there was nothing to do with it.
Today, the excesses of religion in our society are seen, people have no value, religious identity has emerged as the main identity, the only way to get out of it is by science-based education system. There are three types of education system in the current country, many differences can be found with them, the distinction and the distances that have pushed us today, the education taught in the madrasa education, especially the Qawmi madrasa, does not benefit the society, the work of a student Been confused, there is no modern education, and by whatever means, I will come to work in personal life. Not. But he still has all the laborers all over the country, he wants to achieve the benefits of Paradise by keeping Madrasa education alive for their selfish interests. Paradise is found to them! In the novel 'LalSalu', Waliullah, who has given the painting in front of Majlis, has reached the roots of many more, the religion has been used so much that the common people now see the religion, they are skeptical, the hat and the religion are in the same way, and we are defeated by open mindedness. I'm sitting down and down with a narrow knowledge. As a result, there is increase in the divide and narrowness of the people-people in the society, people are becoming lonely, increasing the distance But we look like a fool and we see that the people of a class are telling us what we are saying, so there is no other way to go outside.
Lalsaluru's main character is Majid and Majeed is a cheater and religious trader, surrounded by him in the novel, Majid has shadowed in the novel, everywhere, he has been portrayed as a well-known fanatic in Bengali literature, whose capital is the image of blind faith and superstitious people. Do not forget that when LalSaloo was written, literary was showing a picture of how backward and culturally backward Bengal was. Since Lalsalu's novel is the story of the remote rural people, and it has been widely adapted, it was his attempt to portray an unknown grave as a representative of the society from the condition of extreme poverty by describing the shrine of the monastery overnight. In the Muslim society, the fundamental rights of the Muslim community are created, the group which is modern and anti-science, has been described as the title of exploitation and weakness in the name of religion, in the name of religion, the picture of the Muslim society of the village of Bhandipir-Fakir, The person has become more prominent than that, sometimes more than outside Yaktira has more psychographic profile of the isolation of much of the financial crisis has greatly preferred.
The number of hats is higher than the population - the lesser the land is less than the population, the natural disaster within it is constantly consuming like hunger and hunger-poverty curse, in society, but there is no shortage of religious texts, - Running into madrasas, a class like Majeed is strongly supported, it seems that there is a strong position in society They have made a mistake, perhaps it does not seem to have any significance, but their hands are too long. There is no reason to believe that Majlis of Lalsalu reminded us. In the novel, linguistics or analysis, the power and attraction of the readers impressed the reader.
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
"আমি হোটেলে একটি রাত কাটিয়েছি মনে রাখার জন্য"
বলিউড অভিনেত্রী স্নেহা উল্লাল দীর্ঘদিন ধরে সংবাদে ছিলেন না। কিন্তু এখন সোশ্যাল নেটওয়ার্ক হঠাৎ তার সম্পর্কে হৈ চৈ পড়ে গেল! তার নাম ট্রেডিং হয়।
ক্রিস গেইল ও ডোয়াইন ব্রাভো উভয়ই ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজ ক্রিকেটার।
স্নেহা একদিন বা দলের সাথে ভারতে টুয়েন্টি বিশ্বকাপে ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজ আসার আগেই অংশ নেন।
অবশেষে, অভিনেত্রী তার মুখ খুললেন
২৪ বছর বয়সী অভিনেত্রী একজন ভারতীয় সংবাদপত্রকে জানান যে ৩৬ বছর বয়েসী অভিনেতা তারকা সঙ্গে নাচ, একটি চ্যাট দেওয়া। তিনি বলেন, ক্রিস গেইল খুব শান্ত মানুষ ছিলেন, তার সাথে হোটেলে রাত কাটান, তার অনেক মজা ছিল। ক্রিস গেইল! খুব শান্ত মানুষ
স্নেহ বলেন, আমার অনেক মজা ছিল। আমি মনে মনে একটা রাত কাটিয়েছি আমাকে কল দেবার জন্য ভেগা এন্টারটেইনমেন্টের ধন্যবাদ ২005 সালে, বলিউড সুপারস্টার সালমান খান চলচ্চিত্র 'লাকী' তে অভিনয় করেন এবং স্নেহার সাথে পরিচিত হন। এই মাধ্যমে তিনি বলিউডে তার আত্মপ্রকাশ করেছেন
ঐশ্বর্য, তার চেহারা কিছু অনুরূপ সঙ্গে, শীঘ্রই জনপ্রিয়তা অর্জন করে। আঞ্চলিক চলচ্চিত্রে তিনি আরও কাজ করেন স্নেহা।
তিনি টেলেন্ডু ওয়ার্ডু, ব্লকবাস্টার সিমা এবং অ্যাকশন 3 ডি মুক্তি পান।
Earn on the internet
There are 7 ways to earn money online for students
Assalamu Alaikum How are you guys Today I appeared before you in simple 7 ways of income online. If you want to earn money online as well as students, you can apply the following techniques. Hope you enjoy the post.
We have stopped wasting time in this world of competition. Everybody tries to use every second. I feel sad for those who spend hours on Facebook or other social networking sites for hours. Because at the end of the day you will not find anything from these sites without a little joy or pain. Now I will discuss the creative nature of the internet. You can earn money from your internet package as well as the internet money you can spend here. And this is my discussion today. Let's hope in the original words
1. Playing games online earns money: Many of us play games on laptops or computers. But you know that playing games online can earn money. You will play games hour after hour, but at this time your money will continue to earn. There are many companies that pay gamers money to play games.
2. Writing articles earning money: You will have to do a lot of trouble to earn money by writing article on freelancing sites. If you have to bid and get paid, you can do the job. If you can write articles correctly, you can earn money by writing articles on the Ezine Article site. There are sites which can earn money by selling various products or article reviews. Review Stream is a site where you write a review, if it is acceptable, then they can publish it to the author and earn $ 1 for the comment and $ 1 for the comment.
3. Money on listening to music online: Music is a language that is suitable for people of all ages. There is no one who does not like to listen to music. You can earn money by listening to music. The company will pay you money when you hear the song. Why do you think? This will increase the popularity of their songs and reach out to many people. Promosquad and Sonymusic awards are two sites where anyone can earn money by listening to music.
4. Chat earnings with friends: You can earn money by chatting with your friends, such as Facebook chatting. You can earn money by chatting on Yuwie and Mylot sites. If you see your picture, you will get 0.5 dollars per 1000 times.
5. Receive money by answering a question: If you know well about something then it can help others. You can earn money by answering questions in Yahoo answers. You can also earn some money by answering the questions on the Student Questions and Know Brainers site.
6. Sell money by making money: You can earn money by selling natural scenes taken by you or selling an incident photo. On the zazzle or shutterstock site you can earn money by selling photos.
7. Income by typing documents and papers: If you are good at typing then you can earn money by writing article on different blogs.